Chosen As a Top UNDP Digital X Solution
Chosen As a Top UNDP Digital X Solution
Tespack is thrilled to announce that our Smart Solar Media System and software platform was chosen among the top UNDP Digital X Solutions.
The Digital X Solution Catalogue by United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) is the first marketplace for digital solutions – from UN organizations, social enterprises, NGOs, academia, and more – recommended by GPN and UNDP’s Chief Digital Office (CDO) to consider for use at the UNDP Country Office level.
The Digital X Solution Catalogue is a key component of UNDP’s Digital X: Partnerships for Scale Programme, created by UNDP’s CDO in collaboration with GPN and the Government of Japan. Digital X programme helps to find, match, and scale proven and innovative digital solutions with UNDP Country Offices and governments worldwide.
To create the first iteration of the Digital X Solutions Catalogue, UNDP mapped over 4,000 digital solutions from around the world. After a panel review with UNDP thematic experts, the Digital X Solutions Catalogue is now live with nearly 100 featured digital solutions in health, climate, gender, inclusive growth, crisis, and more to help their projects scale.
Tespack featured as a proven, ready-to-scale digital solutions
UNDP created the Digital X Solution Catalogue based on the needs and challenges they encountered from several UNDP Country Offices. The benefits of using the Digital X Catalogue is to find a ready-to-scale digital solution which shows to be proven and ready to scale:
1. ‘Proven’: the digital solution is mature in its product development, has significant ‘results in the real world,’ and has measurable and meaningful high-impact indicators linked to the Sustainable Development Goals.
2. ‘Ready-to-scale’: the digital solution is safe to use by thousands of users and can be deployed in a new country with minimal adaptation or effort, if the conditions for scale are met (like genuine government buy-in and language needs met).
Smart Solar Media System and Software Energy Platform Selected as Top Digital Solutions
Our Smart Solar Media System (SSM), an alll-in-one solution that combines hardware and software to provide access to education and humanitarian assistance in rural regions, was selected by the UNDP Digital X Program and Catalogue as one of the proven solutions. Tespack’s SSM system can turn any room or a place into a fully equipped classroom by incorporating power electronics, solar panels and IoT software for tracking devices and energy generation (track how much green energy has been created and CO2 emissions reduced with our software platform).
By being selected into the program, will allow us to launch further new projects globally to support better access to digital education and clean energy in rural regions.
Stay tuned for new projects to be launched. Learn More
If you require more information or wish to start a partnership, feel free to get in touch with us on info@tespack.com